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Revealing Ancient Egypt: The Hidden Mastery of Energy Work and Yogic Wisdom

The idea that the ancient Egyptians were masters in energy work is a concept that coincides with the mysterious origins and history of the land of the Gods – and this idea is gaining more traction by the day. The architecture, hieroglyphs, mythology, and monuments all attest to this ancient practice of light work – albeit in allegory and subtle symbology, as is the custom of all good mystery schools.

In the images, we can see examples of ancient Egyptian artwork showing deities and ancient Egyptians in postures that could easily be interpreted as yogic or energetic in nature. (energy work). In the top half of the image, the Egyptian deity is seated in a twisting posture – a common position regularly depicted in Egyptian iconography. In this seated or kneeling position, the legs and hips are facing forward while the body is twisted 90 degrees at the lumbar vertebrae. The twisting and exercising of the lower back is an extremely important part of all Yogic and energy work practices – in the Far East the lumbar vertebrae hold the door of life or the “Ming Meng” point (opposite the navel). In Vedic Yoga, this posture is similar to the “parivrtta sukhasana” or the good or simple twist position. This posture is believed to help open the “Manipura” (navel or solar plexus) chakra. I have personally found it helpful with the “Svadhisthana” or sacral (Sacrum) area also. In the lower half of the picture, we can see what looks to be the Yogic “urdhva dhanurasana” – the wheel position or the upward-facing bow pose. This posture is also known as the crab in some Western areas. Again, this position helps to compress and work the spinal column, it can also be adapted and modified to help stretch and open different areas – awakening, moving, and circulating the universal energy. The spinal column is the central pillar of the human temple; it is the correct care and maintenance of the spine that enables our creative energy to flow. With the mind-blowing marvels of architecture, writing, craftsmanship, and mythology in ancient Egypt, I would be more surprised if these ancient adepts and masters of mummification were not also masters of their own bodies and rulers of their own energy – Experts of energy and leaders in working with the light.