A mysterious image of a rock on the surface of Mars has caused a stir on social networks. Its similarity to an ancient Egyptian statue sparked a heated debate about ancient Martian civilizations.

The image captured by the Curiosity rover sparked a debate about the possibility that millions of years ago, an ancient and advanced civilization may have developed on the surface of Mars. Interestingly, the rock appears to be an ancient Egyptian statue .
Ancient Egyptian statue on Mars?
This find and many other “strange rocks” could suggest that life originated on Mars and was subsequently transferred to Earth.
Plasma physicist, theorist, and researcher John Brandenburg has previously worked as a consultant at Monrningstar Applied Physics LLC, as well as NASA.
It revealed that in the distant past, Mars was inhabited by advanced alien civilizations. Unfortunately, they were destroyed by a nuclear war that engulfed the entire red planet.
Brandenburg was the inventor of the Electro-Thermal Microwave plasma thruster , using water propellant for space propulsion. He also served as Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon. A mission that was carried out jointly between the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and NASA.
“Mars presents the human race with a Darwinian intelligence test, and so far, we’re failing it. Scientists can’t connect the dots on Mars because the resulting image is too terrifying to accept.”
With the arrival of NASA ‘s Curiosity rover on Mars, several mysterious images have been captured while exploring its surface.
During its journey, the ship has found rocks with enigmatic shapes. Many independent theorists and researchers suggest that this is evidence of past life on Mars . Recently, the discovery of an alleged Egyptian statue , or similar, caused a wave of comments and complaints.
Ancient Martian Civilization?

But it is not the first time this has happened. The rover has captured statues, helmets, “too perfect” rocks that look carved. There is even evidence of what looks like Hieroglyphics and what some believe may be fossils or even living life forms.
NASA defends itself by claiming that the strange images are the product of pareidolia , the strange psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually visual or auditory, by perceiving a known pattern where there is none.
But many of the finds on the red planet are unexplained and defy all logic. This leads many people to question the possibility that Mars was inhabited in the past.
Most awesome; that there are monuments similar to Egyptian statues, Mayan pyramids or underground temples, yet to be discovered.
The person responsible for discovering the supposed ancient Egyptian statue of Mars was Joe White, responsible for the YouTube channel, ArtAlienTV-MARS-ZOO.
The image of the alleged ‘Ancient Egyptian Statue’ on Mars was discovered by Joe White of the ArtAlienTV-MARS ZOO YouTube channel .
“I have found what appears to be a small, female-looking statue head on Mars in Gale Crater in this latest image from NASA’s Curiosity.”
The strange finds on the red planet keep happening and while NASA continues to deny them, the list continues to grow. Is it the remains of an ancient Martian civilization or a simple optical illusion?
said Joe White, as he described his discovery in the video below: