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Ancient Giants of Egypt: Josephus’ Remarkable Account of the Last Giants in King Joshua’s Era..

Throughout ancient history, stories of giants have permeated the mythologies and legends of many cultures, but few accounts are as compelling as those found in the writings of the Jewish-Roman historian Flavius Josephus. In his works, Josephus offers a fascinating glimpse into the existence of giants during the time of King Joshua, a biblical figure known for leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. According to Josephus, these towering beings were not mere myths but remnants of a once-great race that roamed the Earth, with the last of them falling during Joshua’s conquests.

Josephus and the Giants of Antiquity

Flavius Josephus, writing in the first century AD, documented the history of the Jewish people in his monumental works, including Antiquities of the Jews. Within these texts, he describes the presence of giants in Canaan, particularly during the era of King Joshua. Josephus references the biblical “sons of Anak,” giants who lived in fortified cities, instilling fear in the hearts of the Israelites. His writings closely align with biblical accounts, such as in the Book of Numbers, where spies sent by Moses report encountering fearsome giants in the land of Canaan.

Josephus vividly details how these giants were formidable in stature and strength, recounting tales of their immense size and power. According to his descriptions, these beings were the remnants of a once-thriving race, who had ruled various regions of the ancient Near East before being wiped out by both natural events and the military campaigns of Joshua.

The Fall of the Giants in King Joshua’s Time

Josephus highlights Joshua’s leadership in confronting and defeating these giants as part of his broader campaign to claim the land of Canaan for the Israelites. The most notable mention of these giants comes during the conquest of Hebron, a city fortified and ruled by the Anakim—a tribe of giants according to both Josephus and the Bible.

Joshua’s victory over the giants symbolized not just a military triumph but also the end of an era in which these colossal beings walked the Earth. After Joshua’s conquests, Josephus suggests that very few of these giants remained, with most having been driven to extinction by war or other factors. This marked the final chapter of the giants’ reign in human history, as they became relics of the past, confined to myth and legend.

Ancient Egyptian Connections to Giants

The notion of giants in ancient Egypt is not directly mentioned in Josephus’ writings, but it is often speculated that Egypt may have had its own encounters with these massive beings. Many ancient cultures surrounding Egypt, including the Israelites, recorded their encounters with giants. Some fringe theories suggest that the construction of monumental structures like the Pyramids could have involved beings of extraordinary strength—though this remains the realm of speculation rather than historical fact.

Josephus’ accounts of the giants, combined with archaeological finds across the ancient world, fuel ongoing debates about whether these beings were real or simply exaggerated figures in religious texts. Could these giants have left their mark in Egypt as well, hidden in the country’s rich but often mysterious archaeological record?

The Legacy of the Giants

Whether or not giants truly existed, the fascination with these towering figures continues to capture imaginations. From biblical references to Josephus’ detailed historical accounts, the giants of ancient times remain an enduring mystery. Some scholars believe that the stories of giants may have been inspired by the discovery of large human skeletons or fossils of prehistoric creatures, while others take the accounts more literally.

Josephus’ remarkable documentation of the last giants during King Joshua’s era provides a valuable insight into how ancient cultures perceived these legendary beings. His writings remain a critical source for those studying the intersection of myth, history, and archaeology.


Josephus’ remarkable account of the last giants during the time of King Joshua offers a fascinating window into a lost world, where massive beings once roamed the lands of Canaan. These giants, described as both awe-inspiring and fearsome, were a significant part of ancient lore, and their defeat at the hands of Joshua marks the end of their reign. Whether historical fact or mythological embellishment, the legacy of these giants continues to be a subject of intrigue, inspiring both scholarly research and popular fascination to this day.