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The Black Sea Princess Slept In An Ancient Tomb Full Of Treasures, Causing The Two Countries To Dispute

An archaeological exhibit in the Netherlands has revealed a portrait of a Scythian princess, who lived around the 1st century AD. The Scythians were a nomadic people who roamed Europe and Asia during that time.

At the end of her life, she was buried on the Black Sea peninsula, in present-day Crimea (which was annexed by Russia from Ukraine in 2014), wearing up to 140 exquisite gold jewelry, a moon ring on her head. Cinnamon is also gold. However, what archaeologists are most interested in is a pair of golden eyes placed on her chest, an unsolved puzzle.

Sketch of the princess lying in the grave. Archaeologists have placed some jewelry on the correct position where she wore it – photo: NTS-TV

The remains of the princess – photo: Alexander Trufanov

The way the princess was buried was very different from the Scythian burial sites, because the tombs usually contained at least a few remains, while the princess lay alone. According to experts, this may be due to her noble status.

A lot of gold jewelry is buried with her – photo: Alexander Trufanov

The jewelry worn by the dead is remarkable for their sophistication, most notably a ring inlaid with translucent carnelian stones, engraved with the god Eros and a dog.

In addition to jewelry, many other gold artifacts were also buried, bringing the total number of gold artifacts to 500 of the 2,000 items unearthed from the ancient tomb.

Alma, the location of the excavation of ancient tombs – photo: DAILY MAIL

Next to her is a vase, which can be used to store wine, an incense burner and a flagpole made of agarwood.

A Russian archaeological team has excavated this ancient tomb and is displaying artifacts in the Netherlands.

Currently, the Ukrainian side is in a legal dispute to own this collection of artifacts with an insurance value of up to 1.7 million pounds, while the Russian side believes that all should be returned to Crimea, her homeland. Princess.