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Building A Chicken Farm, Revealing The Creepy Ancient Tombs Of 6 Prince’s Wives: Treasures Are Piled All Around

The aforementioned ancient tomb is the most unique structure in the ancient cemetery discovered at Saxony-Anhalt, near Brücken-Hackpfüffel (Germany), during excavation to build a large-scale chicken farm.

Close-up of the excavation site – photo provided by the research team

Burial objects and construction, as well as the grave’s location – the center of the cemetery – led archaeologists to believe that it was the resting place of a prince or a powerful lord. The six women were his concubines.

Panoramic view of the ancient tomb – photo provided by the research team

Archaeologist Susanne Friederich from the Landesmuseum Halle, who led the research team, said the prince’s remains have yet to be found, while details of the ancient tomb suggest he must have been here. The cauldron in the tomb is also a mystery: it appears to be empty, but is solemnly placed among the six ladies.

Many animal bones were also found – photo provided by the research team

The archaeological team also suspects that these 6 women were harmed to be buried with their noble husband, because it seems that they died and were buried at the same time. Another macabre theory is that they were not his concubines, but six unfortunate daughters who were sacrificed. However, according to the researchers, it is still too early to say anything.

Inside this central tomb are the remains of 11 animals, including dogs, horses and many other livestock. The traces suggest that they were long dead but were reburied here, according to some mysterious ceremony honoring the deceased.

The burial items in the grave are extremely precious, made of gold, silver, glass, ceramics…, exquisitely crafted. The estimated age of the tomb is about 1,500 years. It is the glass fragments that confirm this: they come from the Gallo-Roman workshops along the Rhine, famous for glassmaking in the ancient world.

The masterpiece glass cup – photo provided by the research team

Photo provided by the research team

Other graves in the cemetery are said to be buried later, circling the central tomb as a way of honoring the prince or lord in it. Zone 1 is located in a low-lying area, covered by a 1.2 m thick layer of sediment over time, so it has escaped the hands of grave robbers.